Together we connect science and society
Our mission is to valorise scientific research results in order to make an innovative contribution to improve society. Income from these activities can be reinvested in excellent research. VUB TechTransfer continuously strives towards connecting the university’s research-expertise with industry-society.
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Our partners
Together with VUB Foundation, the philanthropic fundraising team, and Crosstalks, the interdisciplinary networking platform, VUB TechTransfer forms the Vicerectorate Innovation & Industry Relations headed by Vicerector Prof. Dr. Ir. Peter Schelkens. He is full professor at the Faculty of Engineering, was vice dean until 2024 and is member in various internal and external councils and committees. He received an ERC-grant in 2013 and has extensive experience in fundamental as well as applied and industrial research. Read more
Want to help to invest in excellence? Visit the VUB Foundation website.
Interested in an interdisciplinary networking platform? Go to the Crosstalks website.
Annual Report
Look at our latest Annual Report 2022 for facts & figures and the achievements of the Vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relations.

Contact us
VUB TechTransfer
Vice-rectorate Innovation & Industry Relations
Pleinlaan 11 - Ground floor
1050 Brussels - Belgium
[T] + 32 2 614 88 00