Every collaboration must be formalized in an agreement in order to confine legal risks. The legal unit of VUB TechTransfer provides legal assistance to the VUB research community in all sorts of tech transfer issues, draws up and reviews contracts and answers questions regarding contracts. When negotiating a collaboration agreement, you should inform and consult them in time. All contracts must be signed by the rector after legal review. The Contract Management employees assist with the administrative follow-up of contracts, funding applications and ID datasheets.
The figure below gives an overview of the process flow of a contract.

In our commitment to support and streamline your research endeavours, we are pleased to provide you with a set of standardized legal templates. These templates have been carefully crafted to facilitate common legal agreements, ensuring efficiency in the revision process, and offering clarity and protection for all parties involved.
The available templates cover a range of agreements including:
- Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Protect confidential information in preliminary collaboration discussions.
- NDA Student: Confidentiality undertaking for student’s master thesis.
- Service Agreements: Define the terms for service-oriented collaborations.
- Consultancy Agreements: Outline the terms for engaging consultants.
- Waivers of Rights: Transfer of research results to the university.
- Intellectual Property Disclosure Forms (IDFs): Capture and formalize the disclosure of intellectual property.
- Data Use Agreements: Set terms for the use and sharing of data in research collaborations.
- Frame Services Agreements: Provide a framework for consecutive service engagements.
- Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs): Facilitate the exchange of research materials.
By utilizing these templates, you not only expedite the legal review process but also ensure that your agreements are comprehensive and fair. To further assist you, each template comes with guidance notes to help clarify key provisions.